Covenant United Reformed Church
Sunday School
Sunday School begins at 11:15am or after the morning service.
All children and adults are welcome to attend!
First Day of Classes: September 8, 2024
Christmas Break: December 22 & 29, 2024
Easter Break: April 20, 2025
Last Week of Class: May 4, 2025
3, 4, and 5 year olds as well as K, 1st & 2nd grades begin in the library with a time of singing.
3, 4 & 5 year olds: "Jesus is God" (Great Commission Publications). In this unit, the children will discover that Jesus' many miracles were signs that point to Him as God the Son, our Savior. As they hear stories about Jesus and what He did, the children will begin to grasp that it was God who came to help His people in Jesus.
K, 1st & 2nd Grades: "Pleasing God" (Great Commission Publications). A study of the Ten Commandments. Looking at Bible stories that illustrate a commandment and discover how that commandment applies to a concrete, everyday situation.
3rd & 4th Grades: "God's Design for Worship" (Great Commission Publications). An introduction to God's design for worship, a hands-on, topical study of tabernacle worship in Exodus and Leviticus and how it was fulfilled in the coming of the promised Savior.
5th & 6th Grades: "God's Unfolding Promise" (Reformed Fellowship). This course traces God's covenant history of redemption from Genesis through Revelation.
7th & 8th Grades: "Faith of Our Fathers" (Reformed Fellowship). This is a course on the Belgic Confession of Faith.
9th & 10th Grades: "The Price of Possession, Part I" (Reformed Fellowship). This is a course on the first half of the Heidelberg Catechism.
11th & 12th Grades: "Doctrines of Grace" (Reformed Fellowship). This is a course on the five solas, the Canons of Dort, and other key Reformed doctrines. Recent graduates are welcome and encouraged to attend!
Adults: "The Discipline of Spiritual Discernment" by Tim Challies. This uplifting work teaches the reader how to apply wisdom practically so that all of his/her conclusions will be consistent with God's Word.
We are also working through the book "Comforting Hearts, Teaching Minds" by Starr Meade. This is a family devotional book based on the Heidelberg Catechism. Each week we have scripture and catechism that we focus on and recite together during our evening service. We encourage all of our congregation to work through this with us. Books are available upon request.