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For those who are unable to obtain access to the website during this service you may call (712) 432-3410 and enter code 12608 to listen to the service.


Streaming will begin at 9:30 AM and 5:30 PM EST on Sundays.

Please view our livestream via our SERMON AUDIO page.
You can also add the ChurchOne App by Sermon Audio to your SmartTV or your phone.


How does it work?


It's simple! Follow these basic steps:

  • Download and install the free ChurchOne app from the relevant app store:

  • Find Covenant URC Pantego by entering our Church Code ID:  12608

  • Once you "select" your church, every time the app loads, it will go straight to your church's sermons.


For other Mobile Support options check out:

All recent and past sermons can be found at


Contact Us for full recordings of the service.

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