Covenant United Reformed Church
Most Recent Lord's Day
February 9, 2025
Welcome to all who worship here today. May God bless us as we hear the gospel in preaching and as we sing His praises, lift our prayers to Him and present our offerings of thanks.

Hymns are sung from the Trinity Psalter Hymnal
We also sing from "Songs for Worship", a church songbook made up of consistory-approved songs not available in the Hymnal (links available).
Welcome and Announcements
Call to Worship
Silent Prayer of Final Preparation
Response (sung):
All creation, join in praising God the
Father, Spirit, Son:
evermore your voices raising to th' eternal
Three in One:
Come and worship, come and worship,
worship Christ, the newborn King.
Opening Hymn #150C Sing Hallelujah! Praise the Lord
Confession of Dependence
The Lord's Greeting
Confession of Sin
Assurance of Pardon
Rule of Gratitude
Hymn of Response #125 All Who with Heart Confiding
Profession of Faith - Taylor Rouse
Hymn #115 (Songs for Worship) Shine Jesus Shine
Prayer for Illumination
Scripture: Ecclesiastes 3:1-15
Sermon: What Time is It?
Hymn of Response #250 I Sing the Almighty
Power of God
The Lord's Supper
Song of Praise #277 (Songs for Worship) Before the Throne of God Above
Congregational Prayer
Offering: General Fund
Hymn of Praise #98C Sing a New Song to Jehovah
The Lord’s Parting Blessing
Parting Song of Praise #113B:1-3 Praise God, O Servants of the Lord
5:30 pm
Welcome and Announcements
Prayer Requests
Call to Worship
Silent Prayer of Final Preparation ​
Response (sung):
O Lord, our Savior, help,
and glorify your name;
deliver us from all our sins
and take away our shame.
Opening Hymn #216 Praise to the Lord, the Almighty
Confession of Dependence
The Lord’s Greeting
Confession of Faith: Nicene Creed
Hymn of Response: #212 Come Thou Almighty King
Prayer for Illumination
Scripture: I Peter 1:1-12
Sermon: Searching for the Inheritance
Hymn of Response #417 Jesus Shall Reign Where're the Sun
Congregational Prayer
Offering: General Fund
Hymn #22D The Ends of All the Earth Shall Hear
The Lord’s Parting Blessing
Parting Song of Praise #71 (Songs for Worship) There is a Redeemer